I am using a cross compiler to produce Object files on Windows.My automation 
uses OOREXX to upload the files via FTP to z/OS to an object PDS.I am upgrading 
my automation to be run by RobotFramework using Python and I am having trouble 
converting the OOREXX to use the Python ftplib storbinary.  The file upload 
properly as binary but I cannot get the blocking to work properly.  The first 
14 records are blocked correctly but then the following lines are off by 3 
bytes.  The file being uploaded is the same for the OOREXX and the python so 
the problem isn’t in the source dataset. My python looks like this (leaving out 
the error handling and the local file opening)         ftp = FTP(ZOS_IPADDR,    
              ZOS_USERID,                  ZOS_PASSWORD)        
ftp.sendcmd('SITE RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3200')        ftp.storbinary('STOR  
'+member_name, temp_handle, 3200) The Python trace shows this (somewhat 
sanitized to remove userid and IP address) *cmd* 'PWD'*put* 'PWD\r\n'*get* '257 
"\'XXX.\'" is working directory.\r\n'*resp* '257 "\'XXX.\'" is working 
directory.'*cmd* u"CWD 'XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT'"*put* u"CWD 
'XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT'\r\n"*get* '250 The working directory "XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT" is a 
partitioned data set\r\n'*resp* '250 The working directory "XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT" 
is a partitioned data set'*cmd* 'SITE RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3200'*put* 
'SITE RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=3200\r\n'*get* '200 SITE command was 
accepted\r\n'*resp* '200 SITE command was accepted'*cmd* 'TYPE I' *put* 'TYPE 
I\r\n'*get* '200 Representation type is Image\r\n'*resp* '200 Representation 
type is Image'*cmd* 'PASV' *put* 'PASV\r\n'*get* '227 Entering Passive Mode 
(192,nn,nn,nn,19,248)\r\n'*resp* '227 Entering Passive Mode 
(192,nn,nn,nn,19,248)'*cmd* u'STOR HTODECKS' *put* u'STOR HTODECKS\r\n'*get* 
'125 Storing data set XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT(HTODECKS)\r\n'*resp* '125 Storing data 
set XXX.CUNIT.OBJECT(HTODECKS)'*get* '250 Transfer completed 
successfully.\r\n'*resp* '250 Transfer completed successfully.' done storing 
file HTODECKS*cmd* 'QUIT' *put* 'QUIT\r\n'*get* '221 Quit command received. 
Goodbye.\r\n'*resp* '221 Quit command received. Goodbye.' Does anyone else have 
experience with this?  I’ve tried it with the blocking on the storbinary as 
3200, 80, and default and it doesn’t see to affect the output. The DCB 
information for the target dataset is correct. Janet

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