i. ftp instructions for sending data to the MXG ftp site

       Using the IBM ftp program, you can ftp any MVS data file to the
       MXG ftp site with this syntax; do NOT change the DCB attributes
       of the //SMFFILE DD: even though it points to a VBS DSNAME, the
       RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=32760 must be used to include BDW and RDWs.

      //FTP      EXEC PGM=FTP,PARM='(EXIT=4'
      //INPUT DD *
      mxgtech mxgtech
      quote PASV
      put //DD:SMFFILE  yourname.smf

      IMPORTANT:  userid/password may be mixed case
                  do NOT change the DCB attributes of the //SMFFILE DD.

      IMPORTANT:  Some sites MUST use the "quote PASV" argument, so it
                  is the default, but for some sites it can NOT be use
                  and must be removed. Try both.

      IMPORTANT:  The ftp control statements MUST BE UNNUMBERED.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Charles Mills
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 10:02 AM
Subject: FTP - how get RDW and ASCII

I have a legacy dataset in VB format. I would like to FTP it to a PC (1)
translating the record data to ASCII and (2) preserving the LLBB record
control words. (Don't need the block control words.) I tried the obvious
ASCII and QUOTE SITE RDW but FTP has translated my RDWs to ASCII (rendering
them useless of course). Does anyone have a clever trick to translate the
"data" portion of the records to ASCII but preserve the LLBBs?

This is a one-time development chore, not a nightly production job. I'm not
fussy about code pages and so forth. The dataset is small: 30 records, 20K

One of you UNIX experts: should I just translate it to ASCII on z/OS first
and then FTP it in binary with RDWs? Would someone be so kind as to share
the command to do the translate? Again, the existing dataset is legacy MVS,
and I need to preserve LLBBs.



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