On Wed, 11 May 2016 09:27:25 +1000, Andrew Rowley wrote:

>On 11/05/2016 1:15, Mark Zelden wrote:
>> Since multiple levels of the
>> OS are being maintained I "APPLY REDO" pointing to a copy of the SMP/E
>> controlled loadlib using the proper level of the JES2 macro library.   It 
>> makes little
>> sense (at least to me) to run one apply, change the dddef, then run another 
>> apply for
>> each JES2 level.
I believe REDO requires SELECT so you must enumerate all your PTFs.
This could get tedious with a large PUT.  (Can you automate this?
and various ++VER might identify different FMIDs.  And RESTORE adds
more wrinkles.)

>It still feels like laying a trap for the next person who comes along
>who is unaware of the process.
>What I would be inclined to do is clone the SMP/E zones and keep a
>separate set of datasets for each JES2 level. Than it is much clearer
>what is going on and exactly what is installed in each dataset. DASD is
>cheaper than time sent scratching my head (or an outage caused by an
>incorrect JES2 macro level).
A single GLOBAL zone with multiple Target-DLIB zone pairs (with DDDEFs)
seems a productive approach.  But be careful with ACCEPT PURGE.

>I have always worked on the principle that the SMP/E zones should
>reflect exactly what is installed in the target and distribution
>libraries. If you assemble with a different SYSLIB it breaks that principle.

-- gil

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