On Thu, 12 May 2016 23:16:43 -0500, Edward Gould wrote:

>When I do JCL I have 1 PROC (total) for Receive, Apply and Accept.
>The symbolics in JCL allow for overrides for APPLY & Accept volumes.

So when you APPLY or ACCEPT you have to update the symbol(s) for the volume(s)
AND specify the matching zone name? Of course, if you could just use one symbol 
for it all if you are using symbols in your in-stream data and your target/dlib 
names and volumes include the same string. Otherwise, you are introducing 
possibilities for errors.

>I find with DDEF’s there can be too many incidents of OOPS I didn’t mean to do 

Really? Can you give examples? I've never had a problem caused by the fact that 
I use DDDEFs.

>Also with DDEFS there can be too many fingers in the pie and that leads to 

Why? When I create a zone, I define the DDDEFs, then leave them alone.

Tom Marchant

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