On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 08:05:02 -0500, Joel C. Ewing <jcew...@acm.org> wrote:

>We always auto-purged older held output known to be past its usefulness
>and for some categories of output that usefulness was a matter of hours
>not days.
>My recollection is that after APPC came upon the scene we had to modify
>the held-output purge command sequences or APPC output wasn't touched.
>Makes me wonder if the folks seeing terrible performance when SDSF shows
>APPC output could be unintentionally retaining APPC junk in their output
>queue that has no useful function and which would be better to purge in
>a more timely fashion.
>    Joel C Ewing

From what I recall, having APPC ON desegregated performance whether you had
APPC output or not.   Testing with "APPC ON" right now in a fairly large 
spool environment doesn't seem to hurt performance at all.   I recall doing
the same test some years ago with the same results.  So that leads me
to believe the original problem was fixed in either SDSF or maybe it was 
fixed as a result of a change in JES2.   However, "this ain't 1992" either. 
The processors are so much faster, I have no way of knowing for sure
if the original problem was really "fixed" or not.


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
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