On Mon, 20 Jun 2016 18:16:54 +0000, Jesse 1 Robinson <jesse1.robin...@sce.com> 

>I see the same thing as Mark. (What is LL?) I had previously ignored ASCHINTs 
>they were STC. So what happens to the TPJOBID Annnnnnn ? Are they real spool 

LL just adds ",long" to the display ("list long").    They are real spool 
"thingies".  They are
output groups associated with the ASCHINT STC.   They are assigned the Annnnnnn
TPJOBID.   Who knows what this looked like "back in the day" compared to now 
a JES2 standpoint.  I guess I would have to dig up some old JES2 manuals and see
if there was such an animal as TPJOBID.   I don't have time.  :-)   

So to bring this full circle, even though SDSF displays these output groups as
an Annnnnn jobname and the numbers appear to be counted and even reset
like normal job numbers (my client resets the job numbers every shift for
some archaic reason to know what shift a job ran on and I see Annnnnnn also
reset), there are actually only 2 flavors  -  JOBnnnnn/Jnnnnnnn and
STCnnnnn/Snnnnnnn.   The RANGE= parm for JOBDEF mentioned in
an earlier post doesn't need a doc update after all.   


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS
ITIL v3 Foundation Certified
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html
Systems Programming expert at http://search390.techtarget.com/ateExperts/

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