>What are the full contents of the 128-bit PSW? What's the 64-bit TEA value?

I got a CEEDUMP and an analysis from StartTool DA. Both tell me the failing PSW 
is478D0400 A31A7BB8 Looking at the SVC dump at the PRB/XSB which is now 
producing the SVC dump (WLIC is 00020033), I see:
XSB+00E0  PSW16.... 47850400  80000000  00000000  231A7BB8

Seems to match.

Unfortunately, there is no LOGREC entry in the dump for this error, the system 
trace table has not been dumped (Grrr...), and there is no SDWA in the dump. 
I'm lost how to find the TEA in this case.

--Peter Hunkeler

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