>The most likely explanation is that the target address of the BASSM >was not GETMAINed storage at the time of the abend (causing the >0C4-11 abend), but was subsequently GETMAINed and used before the dump >was initiated or as part of the dump processing.
Yes, I had thought about this possibilty as well. The storage where the PSW NSI point to seems to be part of a chain of 4k areas. I see what looks like forward and backward pointers near the beginning of each 4k area. I also see the name of some of the applicaition modules that are loaded, as well as the lliters PCONTROL in each of the blocks. Some bytes before the first such block, there is the literal HANC, which indicates this might be LE heap storage. For all this, I thought the storage must have been there before the S0C4, but of course this linked list can as well have been built as part of Smart/Restart or StarTool analysis. But is seemed unlikely to be that tools bilt to analyze failures would tell me false information. But again, who knows. If I only had the system trace. It would all be so much easier. I cannot understand how someone coding an SDUMP macro can leave away TRT and explicitly specify that dump defaults and change dump options shall be ignored (seen in the SVC dump, dicussed in a separate thread). Thanks for your help so far. I'll restart posting on Monday, if I have new questions or new information with wich you could help me. -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN