>You provided analysis of some data. If you had provided the data that you used 
>to arrive at the conclusions >that you did, that would have been helpful. It 
>may have led to a request for more data, but at least we would >have had a 
>place to start.

You're right. Would have been better to post snippets from the dump in addition 
to my conclusions and questions.

>You've shown the PSW. You haven't shown the data at and before the PSW. Do you 
>have the ILC?

I did not show the data but I wrote that the PSW NSI points to a bunch of 
x'00'. Sorry this was not clear enough. And I dd not post the ILC because I 
considered it irrelevant. With a 0C4-11 the NSI points to the failing 
isntruction itself and this was x'0000'. But I admit, this was again subjective 
information instead of facts.

Peter Hunkeler

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