>Just my 2 cents: As long as TRAP(ON,SPIE) is set (and you said you cannot turn >it off for various reasons) slip will not get control because (E)SPIE gets >control before slip. So your slip trap probably won't match at all.
In another case where the application failed with an S30A-10 sporadically, I had set a SLIP and it matched. But this was not a PGM check, so ESTAE and not ESPIE was in charge. >And your sysmdump may contain a dump, but not the first 0C4. All I'm looking for is a system trace. Hoping to find hints what do look for next. >If it were me, I would a) try to find out if that dump option thing is >customizable I did in parallel to the discussion here and succeeded. I now know how to change the options, but as you might have guessed, I'm working for a large company. And large companies have processes. It will take quite some time to bring those changed options to production, once I could convince engineering to actually do it. >Not sure that you mentioned it - is the problem reproducible at will? Not at will, yet, but it reocurred in production. Application people are still trying to reproduce it in test. Would make everyting much easier. -- Peter Hunkeler ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN