I am told with some authority that it ain't gonna happen.

I guess the problem it solves is this:

IBM rightly or wrongly but at least plausibly believes that for the "new" 
platforms the doc must be Web-accessible, readable on a mobile, etc., etc. And 
IBM does not want to do documentation two different ways, Web for "them" and 
BookManager or PDF for "us." The mainframe is something of a niche platform to 
many and therefore it is the tail that the new-platform doc format is wagging.

I do not, of course, speak for IBM.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of zMan
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: KC!? Susan Shumway?

What is the problem that the new KC is supposed to be solving? What does it do 
better than the old system (besides waste time)?

That's a serious question--it's so hard to use, so slow, so utterly broken in 
so many ways that it may make sense to revert to the older system, which at 
least worked.

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