On Sat, 15 Apr 2017 12:35:58 -0700, Sri h Kolusu <skol...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>>>>Hmm, Sri, did we forget about the NULLOUT Parm/OPTION?  :-)>
>NULLOUT is used to set a return code when there are NO records. OP wanted 
>the opposite. He wants to set a return code when he has at least 1 record, 
>so that it would trigger his additional processing.

Right now, the return code is 0 when the file is empty or when it is not empty.
If he coded NULLOUT=RC4 then the return code would be 4 if the file is empty.
Doesn't that imply that the return code would be 0 if the file is not empty?  
RC=0 file is not empty, RC=4 file is empty, RC=nn error

Dale R. Smith

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