On Wed, 26 Apr 2017 08:55:33 -0700, Lizette Koehler wrote:

>One way I look at them
>Unix Files that live in MVS zFS or HFS datasets are Unix Files
>Everything else not UNIX is a dataset on z/OS.  Though file is used 
>interchangeably for MVS dataset.
Some components of z/OS use "file" (not interchangable with data set) to mean 

Many years ago, IBM deprecated "dataset" and made a massive sweep of 
publications to
change it to "data set".  When I encounter a a residual "dataset" I submit an 
RCF and Pubs
sheepishly apologizes and agrees to change it.

>So if FILE does not have UNIX File in the discussion, then I think of it as an 
>MVS dataset or MVS File.
>Therefore, if the topic has FILE or Dataset - then MVS,
>If the topic has UNIX FILE - Unix in zFS or HFS
>I do not use legacy in any discussion.  Tends to make readers think the 
>Mainframe is Dead.  ;-D
Nonetheless, a major automobile manufacture proudly uses it as a model name.

"Using Data Sets" states pretty clearly in an introduction that anything to 
which a
DDNAME can be allocated is a data set.  However, this bears no weight when
I argue with Support:

"Your utility fails when SYSIN is allocated to a UNIX file."

"The doc says that must be a 'data set'."

"'Using Data Sets' says that allocated UNIX files are data sets."

"SR cancelled!"

-- gil

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