On Sun, 30 Apr 2017 12:47:38 -0600, Mark Post  wrote:
>> Lately, Windows has a "mklink" command:
>> o Requires admin authority.  WTF!?
>> o Must specify whether the link is to a document or to a folder.  WTF!?
>> ... or just use Cygwin and a file manager such as Thunar.
>> I just use the index.html file in a browser.
>These two things, taken together, is what "wget -k" does.  If you do a "wget 
>-k -p" on a web page, you'll get all the elements of the page (excluding those 
>defined in javascript), with the HTML modified to point to the local copy.
Isn't that what the HTML <BASE> (IIRC) markup does.  (At least for relative 

Again, why not just download and extract the .zip.  At least for z/OS 2.2.
For other libraries, it may be harder, 

>For myself, I download all the Linux and z/VM presentations from the various 
>SHARE conferences I attend.  I wrote a shell script to download all the PDF 
>files, and use the various HTML files to create symbolic links to them using 
>the title of the presentation.  It works well enough for my needs.
>On Linux systems the poppler-tools package contains a "pdfinfo" command that 
>can print things like Title and Author from PDF files that contain them.  This 
>could aid in creating symbolic links via scripting as well.
Here's my script:

615 $ cat ~/bin/foodex; ls -al | head -11
#! /bin/sh -x

sed -n '
s/[^<]*<td>\([^<]*\).*href="\(.[^"]*\)".*/ln -s "..\/SC27-8430-05\/\2"  "\1"/p
' ../SC27-8430-05/index.html
total 2600

... and sample output.

drwxr-xr-x  2 paulgilm  wheel  11118 Apr 30 13:25 .
drwxr-xr-x  4 paulgilm  wheel    238 Apr 30 13:10 ..
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 AFP Conversion and Indexing 
Facility User's Guide -> ../SC27-8430-05/aps4ac40.pdf
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 DWARF_ELF Extensions Library 
Reference -> ../SC27-8430-05/cbb1d210.pdf
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 Device Support Facilities 
(ICKDSF) User's Guide and Reference -> ../SC27-8430-05/ick4020o.pdf
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 EREP Reference -> 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 EREP User's Guide -> 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 HLASM General Information -> 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 HLASM Installation and 
Customization Guide -> ../SC27-8430-05/asmi1022.pdf
lrwxr-xr-x  1 paulgilm  wheel     28 Apr 30 13:25 HLASM Language Reference -> 

... most of the cross-document links work; others don't; I don't know why;
others are http:// links.

-- gil

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