On Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:39:40 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:27:40 -0500, Brian Westerman wrote:
>Vendors ought to suggest installation paths for their software products.

>SYS3.vendor.** seems like a good idea.  Or incorporating the vendors'
>registered element prefix.
For some, perhaps, but almost assuredly not for all.

>Shops ought to follow those vendor suggestions:
Bullocks.  Shops need to do what makes sense for them.  There are certain 
aspects of software installation where vendor requirements are clear and ought 
to be followed without exception, or bad things can happen.  Dataset names 
ought not to be a problem area. As for registered prefix, these ought to be 
incorporated into LLQ/SMPE DDDEF names.  It may make sense as a mid- or 
high-level qualifier to some, but it ought not to be a requirement.

>o It allows trying samples in the vendor documents with less tailoring
>  of DD statements.
ServerPac and other sufficiently sophisticated installation tools can handle 
the bulk of this tailoring.  JCL and System symbols can make what's left much 
easier.  A system programmer ought to know how to make a few JCL or source code 
changes to get a sample working...and a newbie can be taught, no matter what 
the PHBs have read in the trade rags or social media.

>o It makes programmer skill sets more portable.  (But management
>  might consider that a bad idea.)
I fail to see how learning a shop's standards impacts skill set portability.  
SMP/E and other system programmer skills are not null and void because one shop 
uses SYS3 and another uses a separate HLQ for each vendor.  It just takes time 
to assimilate into the environment. I learned how to ride a bicycle in the US.  
I don't have to re-learn how to ride if I move to the UK, I just have to learn 
to ride on the other side of the road and look first in the opposite direction 
before crossing a road.

There are potentially as many standards as there are shops to develop them.  
Software installation tools, the people that develop them, and the people that 
use them, ought to be flexible enough to cope.

Art Gutowski
General Motors, LLC

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