Condor from Phoenix Systems. Condor uses the ./ INCLUDE card during job submission.

We are not getting away from Condor, but I need to move a couple of CamLibs to MVS PDS libs until I can update to a newer release of Condor that supports FTP access. (Condor can pretend that a PDS lib is a CamLib during this temporary phase so the users don't know the library has been relocated.)

Tony Thigpen

Paul Gilmartin wrote on 11/20/2017 11:57 AM:
On Sun, 19 Nov 2017 22:45:10 -0500, Tony Thigpen wrote:

I need to catalog a bunch of jobs into a PDS during a conversion. The
source system utility creates an IEBUPDTE job for this purpose.

Just curious: what are the "source system" and its "utility"?

The "shar" (shell archive) utility, not POSIX but widely available, does
this sort of thing nicely.

Unfortunately, some of the data within these jobs steams contain a './'
at the start of the card record. IEBUPDTE thinks they are control cards
and cancels the catalog of the new member.

The designers of IEBUPDTE had dreadful tunnel vision in failing
to anticipate that your problem would never occur.  Job streams
containing IEBUPDTE steps are commonplace.

-- gil

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