In a few words: Did you ever replaced a CPC with a new one?
If yes, it's piece of cake. z13->z14 migration has no gotchas.
If no, then you have to learn it. What to consider? A lot of things, most of them are not a headache for experienced user.

To name a few:
ICSF - every crypto change require new MK's. Every crypto generation upgrade means something new is coming, something obsolete is fading.
HMC - only new, UGLY user interface is left.
FICON - some FUD about the switches, so if you want to be supported, take care about FOS levels, etc. It could end up with switch change.

Software - in order to start using new hardware, you existing z/OS (and other OSes too) should be aware of new hardware. Means new functions PTFs. for example for HCD.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2018-02-26 o 17:10, fred glenlake pisze:
Hi List,

My management must be in line to cash in on performance bonuses because they have decreed 
we will upgrade our z13's to z14's in 90 days.   This was a total out of left field 
surprise, perhaps our hardware vendor had a sale on for "Presidents Day", right 
next to the slacks and shirts and CEC's??

I am just starting to review the IBM considerations of going to z14's, lots to 
consider and read which I do not mind.   Wondered if any list members had 
already moved to z14's and could share any land mines they encountered 

At the 10,000 foot level I am thinking to get this done quickly hardware wise 
we drop the new CEC's next to the existing ones.   Hook them up to power, 
HMC's, etc.  Then grab a couple of cables from existing CEC's for DASD and 
Tape, swing them over.   Use the existing IOCP and IOCDS as the basis of the 
new IOCP/IOCDS, update serial numbers, models, etc.  Then bring up our sysprog 
lpar on the new CEC, get that one going, update and fix software keys/licenses, 
issues with first IPL's on new CEC, etc.   Once all the work is done in terms 
of getting ready for the rest of the lpars, then go for the big bang one 
weekend.  Bring down the rest of the lpars, drop the cables, swing over to new 
CEC, hook up and IPL remaining lpars.   Assuming no phat thumb checks it should 
work.  Of course there are a ton of considerations to review and check, 
coupling facility stuff, software stuff, compatibility maintenance, etc.   
However all things being equal I am thinking this approach is likely the safest 
in terms of risk avoidance and getting this done with the 90 days.   We could 
go the move one lpar at a time route but that would mean more work and it would 
take longer especially with our change management processes (bless their little 

Any alternate suggestions or comments would be appreciated as I am sure there 
will still be a few land mines with my name on them waiting in the woods.


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