The CS community uses "pure" for read-only.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <> on behalf of 
John McKown <>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: How to get BPX loadhfs (BPX1LOD) to load module into writable 

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 2:09 PM Seymour J Metz <> wrote:

> No. It means that the code will run correctly even if the OS refreshes it
> from DASD. That might mean that it is R/O, or it might only mean that the
> changes are not relevant to correct operation, e.g., storing data for dump
> analysis that the module never looks at again.
> Now, IMHO it's bad form to play such games, but it's legal.

​Thanks. I thought that there was a word/phrase for a program which does
not modify anything within itself, including "data" areas. E.g. something
better than "not self-modifying". The only thing that I have found in my
searching is "ROMable code". Which I hope is self evident as "code which
will run correctly even if stored in ReadOnlyMemory". Apparently this is
what some of the ARM programmers, especially "embedded" programmers, use
for this. ​

Now, personally, I _love_ that I can have z/OS fetch place RENT code in key
0 memory. Hum, are those pages also marked "read only", or is the
protection only that most programs don't run key 0? I was hoping that I
could use the IARV64 REQUEST=PROTECT to make the memory ReadOnly, but
apparently that API can only be used with "memory objects" which are "above
the bar", not memory in the 0K-2GiB range.

> --
> Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

Once a government places vague notions of public safety and security above
the preservation of freedom, a general loss of liberty is sure to follow.

GCS Griffin -- Pelaran Alliance -- TFS Guardian (book)

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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