Hi, while programming a ISPF test program I would like to implement the use of block commands such as 'CC..CC' or 'DD..DD' in the ISPF editor. In order to do so I may need to display a message like 'block command incomplete' on various panel displays until the user either cancels the request or completes the incomplete block command.
The problem I'm facing right now is the fact that ISPF won't return control to my application program when the user scrolls through parts of the table display where no new lines need to be provided by my application program. So, unfortunately, my 'block command incomplete' message disappears after pressing e. g. the PF7 key though the incomplete state hasn't changed. Does anybody know how to handle this or can I specify something e. g. in the panel definition in order to receive control in my application program when the user presses a scroll key without making any change to an input field of my panel? Kind regards and thanks in advance, Immo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN