Immo wrote:

>while programming a ISPF test program I would like to implement the use of 
>block commands such as 'CC..CC' or 'DD..DD' in the ISPF editor. In order to do 
>so I may need to display a message like 'block command incomplete' on various 
>panel displays until the user either cancels the request or completes the 
>incomplete block command.

Did you considered using an Edit Macro? Something like this?

  ISREDIT blah blah 

or the 'Dialog Services' in ISPF? 

>The problem I'm facing right now is the fact that ISPF won't return control to 
>my application program when the user scrolls through parts of the table 
>display where no new lines need to be provided by my application program.

Are you referring to 'ISPF Tables' or your own table?

>Does anybody know how to handle this or can I specify something e. g. in the 
>panel definition in order to receive control in my application program when 
>the user presses a scroll key without making any change to an input field of 
>my panel?

In what language? What ISPF utilities and macros are you using?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrehct

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