W dniu 2018-09-14 o 03:38, Phil Smith III pisze:
Well, I appreciate the answers thus far, but they're vague and platitudinous.

Sure, an application on Z should often stay on Z, but that's not what anybody means by "cloud". 
In fact, given that the vast majority of application environments are not on Z, saying "stay on 
<the platform>" is, if anything, an argument that Z is *not* a good cloud platform.

Resource sharing/virtualization are good, but ISTR one or two companies that 
are managing to do a bit of that on Intel (I think they're called Amazon and 
Google and what's that other startup-oh yeah, Microsoft); not compelling, 
sorry. Yes, z/VM is the best virtualization platform in a lot of ways. But 
again, that ain't where the action is, and calling a tail a leg doesn't make it 

As for cost of instructions-TR/TRT and friends are also way cool. Surprise, 
that isn't where applications spend most of their time.

Looking forward to more convincing arguments.

Convicing? Whom to convince?  Seriously, are we talking about rational arguments or just convincing arguments? I see no hope for mainframe when talking about "convincing" arguments. Sorry, every "airline magazine" article or opinion claims it's old, obsolete, and so on. Nevermind what is true.

Regarding cloud - this is similar story, much less rational arguments a lot of "convincing" ones. There is no single definition of cloud, but I woudl say that EDS in the beginnings was kind of cloud - you compute on someone else's computer. IT as a service. Of course some people narrow the vision of cloud to Windows and M$ subsystems (MSSQL, etc.), maybe also Linux with popular open-source things lika Apache, mySQL, etc. So, there is no place for other platforms. Why? Because nobody mentioned it. However some companies do use mainframe applications and they can hear from cloud provider "sorry, we don't have such thing".

Regarding Amazon and Google - yes, they don't use mainframes. However their business (especially Google) is different than yours. Not everyone need oer 1 million PC machines spread across the world. Cheap machines with no redundant features.  That's why things like disk arrays, remote copy services or DR data rooms are still in sale.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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