On Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:57:48 +1100, Wayne Bickerdike wrote:

>Mark Zeldens excellent IPLINFO shows:
>The real storage size at IPL time was 2048M.
>The private area size <16M is 8192K.

It seems to be a sloppy calculation. The private area always ends on a 1M 
boundary, but every system I've looked for the last several years had a private 
area that starts at X'6000'. Thus your actual private area size below 16M is 
X'7FA000' or 8168K.

>The private area size >16M is 1628M.
>The CSA size <16M is 4812K.
>The CSA size >16M is 300652K.
>The SQA size <16M is 1248K.
>The SQA size >16M is 15792K.
>The maximum V=R region size is 280K.
>The default V=R region size is 140K.
>The maximum V=V region size is 8168K.
>Based on this:
>CVTGDA   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVT + 560),4))    /* point to GDA         */
>GDACSA   = C2d(Storage(D2x(CVTGDA + 108),4)) /* start of CSA addr    */
>GDACSAH  = D2x(GDACSA)                       /* display in hex       */
>CSAEND   = (GDACSASZ*1024) + GDACSA - 1      /* end of CSA           */
>CSAEND   = D2x(CSAEND)                       /* display in hex       */
>So CSA <16M is too small.

Do you mean private is too small?

Tom Marchant

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