I guess I should have asked what are you trying to do? Do you want a z/OS V1.13 system using the same spool as the V2.2?
Do you need to have the tasks in V1.13 moved to V2.2? You might want to consider doing a JES2 Offload then shutdown V1.13. Bring up your systems at V2.2 level and then reload your spool from V1.13 to V2.2 You may still need to increase the size of CKPT and/or CF Lizette -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of Elaine Beal Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 9:00 AM To: IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU Subject: JES2 Checkpoint Size 1.13 to 2.2 We are migrating from 1.13 to 2.2 in a MAS sysplex. JES2 WARM start, no parm changes. Checkpoint in z11 mode. Of course I'm trying to get around having to define a separate JES on 2.2 LPAR A cold start is a possibility. Right now that's the only possible 'fix' that I see When I IPL the first LPAR on 2.2 (gotten around several errors) but now seeing an error on the CKPT size. Based on the message and doc I don't see any additional requirement. $HASP537 THE CURRENT CHECKPOINT USES--532 4K RECORDS $HASP710 this level is incompatible with one or more active members...meber is down-level I've gotten the down-level before but was able to identify the issue and get past it looking to do the same with this issue Details below. Thanks, Elaine $HASP537 JES2 issues a message during initialization to inform system programmers of the checkpoint size requirements for the current checkpoint configuration. If this is a cold start, the number is based on the parameters specified in the initialization deck. If this is a warm start the size is based on the current checkpoint configuration. >From displays below 532K is what is currently in use at around 90% free If the >message is based on SIZE requirements (not the 532K in use) what is the issue? Using the same JOENUM, JOBNUM, etc. Is there a parm that can be changed? It would be possible to update both 1.13 LPARs and do another 2.2 IPL Though not indicated, do I need to cold start? *** There is no doc indicating that 2.2 needs additional space. even if it did, there is plenty. *** *** but if it does need more, I can see it expecting to be using only 532K, same as the shared LPAR *** *** in which case would a 2.2 cold start update both 2.2 and 1.13 with same utilization? *** $D ACTIVATE JES2 CHECKPOINT MODE IS CURRENTLY Z11 THE CURRENT CHECKPOINT: -- CONTAINS 6100 BERTS AND BERT UTILIZATION IS 5 PERCENT. -- CONTAINS 532 4K RECORDS. $D CKPTSPACE $HASP852 CKPTSPACE $HASP852 CKPTSPACE BERTNUM=6100,BERTFREE=5752,BERTWA $HASP852 CKPT1=(CAPACITY=7188,UNUSED=6660) $HASP852 CKPT2=(CAPACITY=5388,UNUSED=4860) CF STRUCTURE NAME(AAAMVSP_CKPT1) SIZE(3456K) FULLTHRESHOLD(0) PREFLIST(M3KENG2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN