RXSockets:  I'd say about 95% of our apps are written in assembler and DMS.   The user would run a  green-screen app. entering the
necessary data.  This data would then be sent to the WAS Intel box.  The info processed and returned back to VM to be displayed
on the green-screen.   I don't think DMS is Rexx friendly. <g>.

Adam Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

03/21/2006 02:27 PM
Please respond to The IBM z/VM Operating System

        To:        IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
        Subject:        Re: VM, assembler and SOCKETS

On Mar 21, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Steve Gentry wrote:

> Communicate:  Well, that's the issue.  That's one of the things I  
> need guidance on.
> The application would run on VM and request the information from a  
> WAS server running on Intel.
> That information would then be returned to the VM app.
> I assumed they would communicate via TCPIP
> I've done this using Rexx sockets but in the other direction. i.e.  
> I have an app. running on an http server running on Linux (running  
> on an IFL running VM)
> using hipersockets, etc.
> It requests info from VM, sends it back and displays it on a web  
> page.  But remember, I'd really like to avoid using Rexx sockets.  
> If it is
> absolutely the only way to do it, then so be it.

Yeah, if they're running on different boxes (it was not clear that  
WAS wasn't running on z/Linux on the same box or under the same VM  
instance in your original problem formulation) TCP is the obvious  

I'm sure assembler interfaces to sockets exist and work just fine,  
but why not RXSockets?  It's way, way easier than any alternative  
that I'm aware of.


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