The volumes are online, they're just not attached to the system.

Your SYSTEM CONFIG file (on MAINT CF1) controlls what volume labels get 

attached to CP during an IPL.  (After an IPL you can manually attach or 

detach them.)  So any volumes with unique labels that don't show as CP 

SYSTEM either aren't listed in SYSTEM CONFIG or were manually detached 

from CP.

While it's legal to have multiple volumes with the same label, it's 
usually useful only when the devices are DEDICATED to 2nd level guests 

instead of attached to your 1st level CP.

If you accidentally have volumes with the same label you need to make sur
you are using the one you intend.  Only one of them can be attached to CP
at a time.

The user directory has nothing to do with this situation.  It can't creat
it, and it can't detect it.

Brian Nielsen

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:17:02 -0500, Larry Macioce 

>Something funny happened this last ipl of mvs. I got a dup vol name(on 

>differnet devices) pointing at my Z/VM-Linux guest dasd. The operators 

>replyed to one of them and MVS went alon it's merry way.
>Now when I added the vols I went into the user directory and checked das
>names allocated and there wasn't one there, anywhrere. And I also did a 
>dasd and it didn't show there either. 
>So now I'm confused so I list all dasd (q nnnn-nnnn) and I found some 

>things there. It looks as if the person that set up the instances might 

>have named certain packs but never put them into the system. Here is a 

>snippet if a display:
>63C3 CP SYSTEM LDTR01   1
>63C4 CP SYSTEM LDML01   1
>63C5 LDML02              
>63C6 CP SYSTEM LDMR01   1
>63C7 LDMR02              
>63C8 CP SYSTEM LDPL01   1
>63C9 LDPL02              
>63CB LDPR02   ==>     this is the dup(also one on 6332)
>I looks as if there are several devices in this mode .
>So I want to cpfmtxa this guy. I guessing I can because it looks to me 

>the dev was named(duh) but nerver brought online and definitely not adde
>to user direct.  From reading old posts I also guessing that Linux CANNO
>touch this device because it isn't listed as a minidisk. Well it is but 

>this one.  
>One more question. If there were 2 names in user direct and you processe
>the file (diskmap and directxa) would it have beeen caught there?? 
>I looking for opinions.

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