On Fri, 12 May 2006 12:46:59 -0700, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot

>No. Even the relatively inexpensive but very good product VTAPE from VSS
is not usable for SPXTAPE. I presume that the system doesn't like the 
virtual tape drive that is necessary for mounting the virtual tape.

>For saved segments, DCSSBKUP and DCSSRSAV (free) will work for all but t
ones that can be IPLed. If you are backing up those, perhaps VSEG from CA
will do the trick.
Yepper, I've run across all of those in my travels.  I reckon I'll just g
with DCSS* for the DCSSes and I s'pose I could just rebuild the NSSes whe
needed.  (I'm just getting lazy in my oldish age.  ;-))


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