Dave ...

Is this a product SNA or some would deliver?
Or are you proposing that IBM step up to it?

-- R;

On Tue, 16 May 2006, David Boyes wrote:

> Several people asked off-list just what I had in mind wrt to emulated
> tape and disk over SCSI/FCP. Attached below is a draft of what I've got
> so far. If this is something you could support (and your company would
> support), please let me know.
> -- db
> SCSI Support Extension Proposal
> Desired Action:
> Complete the emulated device over SCSI/FCP support introduced in z/VM
> to include both ECKD disk emulation on SCSI/FCP and
> emulation of channel-attached tape to generic SCSI/FCP tape
> devices. If possible, the tape emulation should also support a remote tape
> server option, mapping the emulated device to a user specified process
> over a network connection.
> Business Justification:
> 1) In many small to medium-sized shops, the amount of money available
>    to invest in mainframe technology is limited compared to the
>    funding accessible to the open systems environment. Often,
>    significant disk and tape resources are duplicated or
>    over-provisioned in the open systems environment, but are not
>    accessible for reuse in the mainframe environment due to the
>    requirement for specialized interfaces and separate management to
>    support mainframe-specific environments. Enabling software
>    emulation of mainframe devices on top of a generic SCSI/FCP
>    infrastructure would allow System z infrastructure to leverage
>    these existing enterprise infrastructure investments directly,
>    improving the TCO argument for maintaining System z-based
>    infrastructure.
>    (It is clearly acknowledged that software emulation has a
>    performance impact compared to native ECKD over FICON. In many
>    cases, this performance vs cost tradeoff is acceptable in that the
>    development curve for device and storage area network performance
>    often offsets the disadvantage within a relatively short period of
>    time, and the cost savings is often an acceptable tradeoff vs
>    execution time delays due to longer I/O delays. )
> 2) Even given the recent price reductions for the System z BC and EC
>    machines, in some cases, the cost differential to implement
>    separate disk for a System z environment (or add specialized
>    interfaces to support FICON attachment of an existing disk array)
>    is such that disk pricing is a deciding factor to preserve a System
>    z environment.
>    Similarly, environmental issues (floor space, power consumption,
>    heat dissipation) may dictate that additional disk units to support
>    only a single platform argue against retaining the System z
>    solution as a "difficult to interoperate with" solution.
> 3) Additional disk volume formats and attachment methods complicate
>    storage management discipline, adding additional training costs
>    for storage administrators and possibly additional costs for
>    software implementation to manage the FICON-attached arrays (not
>    all vendors support FICON-attached volumes in their basic
>    management software, but market that support as a enhanced
>    feature). This increase in complexity further impacts the ROI and
>    TCO of the System z solution.
> 4) Currently, only VSE, Linux and VM fully support FBA DASD. We are
>    aware of work being done to z/OS to tolerate FBA disk, but until
>    this work is completed, ECKD disk is required.  If IBM is to open
>    up additional market opportunity for z/OS or other ECKD-only
>    systems in the short term, ECKD emulation is necessary to open
>    those opportunities.
>    It is important to note that ECKD emulation on SCSI disk has been
>    done in the past for the P/390, R/390, and Multiprise systems, and
>    it is clear from a cursory examination of the z/VM EDEV SCSI stack
>    that these previous attempts could be used as a starting point to
>    provide this type of emulated function.
> 5) With regard to tape, currently the largest supported FICON-attached
>    tape unit supports a 40G uncompressed volume. Open systems tape
>    units regularly support 200G or greater volume sizes. With the
>    dramatic increase in data volumes, the inability of System z to
>    access these commonplace devices argues significanly against
>    adoption of a System z based solution in place of a Intel or other
>    platform solution.
> 6) Similar to the ECKD disk emulation code mentioned above, tape
>    emulation code for 3420 and 3480/90 tape over SCSI also exists, and
>    offers direct support for all System z operating systems currently
>    supporting tape without additional development. Emulated tape
>    devices could easily be mapped to higher-capacity SCSI devices,
>    providing direct benefit for backup/DR and data exchange purposes.
> 7) Adding ECKD and tape emulation would allow dramatic simplification
>    of software distribution for System z operating systems, allowing
>    applications to be directly supplied as disk images on inexpensive
>    media (CDROM vs tape cartridges). This simplification would allow
>    inexpensive distribution methods to be used in the future, as well
>    as sophisticated verification tools that are not possible with
>    tape-based installation today.
> 8) VSE users have had the option of supporting a remote tape server
>    for some time now. This option has proven to be very flexible and
>    helpful to control the costs of a System z solution, and allow
>    considerable customer control of their data processing
>    solution. Extending this support to all System z operating systems
>    via a emulated tape device would be very desirable.
> Suggested implementation:
> 1) Provide a 3390 ECKD EDEV device type for z/VM Guests
>    Similar to the 9336 FBA EDEV, providing a 3390 ECKD EDEV would permit
>    defining SCSI targets to map to a ECKD emulation layer provided in
>    CP. Large device support is already present in CP and in most guest
>    systems, allowing the guest OS to sense the appropriate model of
>    3390 and build a real device support block as appropriate.
> 2) Provide a emulated 3422, 3490 or 3590 to SCSI tape device type for
>    z/VM Guests
>    The access model and tape handling model used by the typical SCSI
>    tape drive are most similar to the 3420 and 3422 devices in that
>    the 342x media have no defined cartridge size, and rely on the
>    device to notify the OS of the end of media and other important
>    details. Defining a emulated 3422 tape device would allow guests
>    and CMS users to directly manipulate SCSI tape using all the
>    existing tools without modification. The 3490 and 3590 emulation
>    would allow 3490 and 3590 drives in libraries shared with
>    non-System z systems to be defined physically as all-SCSI
>    devices, allowing workload to be dynamically shifted between
>    operating environments w/o partitioning libraries or separate
>    device management.
> 3) Provide a emulated tape to remote tape server option over TCP
>    Providing a standardized ability to intercept I/O to a emulated tape and
>    redirect it to a remote tape server would be very helpful for Linux
>    and other guests to interact with tape managed by a host VM system
>    (both SCSI and channel-attached). Mapping the emulated device to a
>    IUCV service and having a CMS or Linux virtual machine multiplex
>    the tape I/O to a remote system would be very desirable.

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