The raw Monwrite data is a superset of the data available from the Toolkit History files. While you could easily use the Toolkit, or another product if you have one, we wanted to ensure that people knew about this other method of collecting data. If you were to use this in conjunction to Toolkit, you might not want to keep the raw files for a long period of time (with a few possible exceptions of course). The value add of having the MONWRITE id ready to collect monitor data includes:
- you reduce it using PERFKIT BATCH mode for specialized reports or variations
- you can feed it to other programs and products (e.g. to send data to z/OS for capacity planning)
- you also have data that can be compared to the history file
- you have data that can be used for post report processing by IBM when needed

We also highly recommend collecting the raw monitor data and saving it before you make any major system change (new processor, new DASD, product upgrades, etc.). You may never need the data, but for scenarios where you cannot go back in time and collect it when problems occur, it can be very helpful.

Kurt Acker  

Leland Lucius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

05/19/2006 12:23 PM

Please respond to

Performance Toolkit AND Monwrite???

Why does "z/VM: Getting Started with Linux on System z9 and zSeries"
instruct you to setup MONWRITE.  What benefit is there to have the raw
monitor records rather than Perftk's history?



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