Ah, that's consistent w/what I'm seeing. But the UofK TAPEMAP util *does* differentiate I'm suspecting it may be a HW issue, I just tried it on a different drive and it worked correctly (according to TAPEMAP).

Rich Greenberg wrote:
On: Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 02:45:47PM -0500,Mike Walter Wrote:

} UofKs TAPEMAP command is great, but badly out of date. Rich's TAPINFO } modules may fall into the same bucket?

Well, it depends..... :-)

I haven't touched that module in a loooooooong time.  When I last did
anything with density it was 200/556/800 vs 1600.  No idea what anyone
else may have done with it in the interim.  I found that my own use of
TAPEINFO rarely needed density and I used it for ready/not ready and
write protected/write enabled tests.

According to my rusty memory, the density on the tape is 38k
irreguardless of XF or not XF.   XF is a compression process that is done
in the tape drive or control unit, but the compressed data is still written
at 38k.

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