Brian, you raise an interesting question about tuning MDC on a
per user basis vs. a system basis vs. a combination. A single
solve all algorithm would be cool, but beyond my imagination
to make it perfect. I believe there was a lot of research
originally about

While MDC is a write-through cache, it does not automatically
insert writes into the cache if the disk location being
updated is not already in the cache. This makes it a little
more forgiving for workloads that have slightly higher
write activity. I wonder if the 80/20 rule could be
applied with something such as if my read/write ratio is
lower than "n", do not use MDC. The tricky part is
determining "n". If the ratio is 1 or lower, the data
is probably read once, write once and won't benefit from
the cache.
Part of what it depends on, is the write channel program
some are worse than others. In most cases, MDC can
determine which blocks are involved with the write I/O
and handle appropriately. There are exceptions where
complicated write channel programs confuse MDC and for
integrity reasons, it will purge more of the cache then
it needs.
Those are my few random thoughts on this. Emphasis on
random. :-)

Bill Bitner - VM Performance Evaluation - IBM Endicott - 607-429-3286

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