While this sounds intriguing, neither "IF" nor "PIPCACHE" are documented 

in the z/VM 5.2 CMS Pipelines Reference (SC24-6076-02).  Are they stages 

you wrote?

Brian Nielsen

On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 21:51:40 +0200, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>My apologies to the non-plumbers - we should have this kind of threads
>on CMSPIP-L instead...
>On 7/13/06, Brian Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Not my goal, but thanks anyway.  I was hoping to eliminate the trivial

>Something that may help in a few cases (which I only dare to suggest
>now that Melinda is travelling) is the IF stage. It does not help with
>stages that split the entire stream (like take, frlabel, etc) but it
>does help when some of the records need to bypass a pipeline segment.
>Like this:
>|  x: if pick w1 == ,USER,
>|    xlate w3 00-FF *
>| x:
>Normally this would require an extra faninany and the dangling
>connection stuff at the end.
>And sometimes it is handy to negate the selection use the NOT stage so
>that you can code the secondary sooner and pick up the main stream
>without the risk of forgetting the remainder. Especially when you put
>temporary debugging stuff in, it helps to limit the number of places
>that you need to modify to take it out again.
>| ...
>| c: not count lines | spec ,We have, 1 w1 nw ,records, nw | cons \ c:
>| ...
>Or something like this:
>| ..
>| f: fanout | insert ,Trace #1 , | cons \ f:
>| ..
>And when you code your own multi-stream stages in REXX, you can take
>advantage of an unconventional way to arrange the the streams.
>My favorite one is the generalized pipeline cache that fits around
>some cpu intensive plumbing and memorizes what goes in and out that
>segment, and bypasses it when the item is in the cache.
>| ..
>| p: pipcache
>|  ... expensive plumbing
>| p:
>Rob van der Heij
>Velocity Software, Inc

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