Yes, if you have the OSA addresses defined you can use them to share the 

physical OSA port.  I've done this with multiple vswitches, the VM TCPIP 

stack, Linux guests, and 2nd level VM guests.  However, you are limited t
just one PRIROUTER per OSA port.

Brian Nielsen

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 15:38:08 -0400, Rob Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


>I currently have an OSA-Express port used soley by a z/VM 5.1 TCPIP stac
using QDIO.  The user directory entry for this machine has DEDICATE 
statements (for the OSA-Express).  My OSD DEV/LINK definition 
specificies "PRIROUTER".  I do all my routing to Linux guests through the
TCP/IP stack connected to a guest LAN.
>I would like to now set up a test vswitch but do not have an unused OSA-

Express port.
>Assuming I have sufficient devices in my IODF, may I use separate device
to access the same OSA port?  Right now I use devices E80, E81 and E82 fo
the OSD type device in my machine called TCPIP.  I have the complete rang
of devices E80-E8E defined as OSA type devices on a certain CHPID.  E8F i
the OSAD.  May I use devices E83-E85 to connect the vswitch with the OSA?
I would then code the DEFINE VSWITCH command to use RDEV E83.
>Thanks in advance,

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