On Wednesday, 07/26/2006 at 09:25 EST, "Jeff Gribbin, EDS" 
> Seriously, what in your opinion are the odds that a problem with a 
> volume on a running system that's having NO OTHER paging problems could
> produce the symptoms of ONLY and ALWAYS failing on IPL vdev?

I'm just trying to be practical.  If you call the Support Center with a 
Paging I/O Error, the first thing they will do is ask you to reformat your 
paging volumes.  Then, if you are still having the problem, they will give 
you TRSOURCEs to run that will help them figure out why.  (I verified this 
with them.)

Unfortunately Ed is on z/VM 4.3 and unsupported, though he *did* call it 
in and the Support Center worked with him a little bit.  The paging error 
is occuring in the routine that actually pages out the affected page. 
Without further debug, we'll never know the exact reason.  (I've also 
learned from the Support Center that CP doesn't always issue an ERP 
message to the operator's console for paging I/O errors.)

But what are the odds that Ed is the only person who is experiencing this 
problem?  There is something unique about his system.  And 4.3 got quite a 
workout from the rest of you.

The #1 reason for HCPCLS174E is an improperly formatted paging or spooling 
volume (remember CP paging overflow).  When we hear hoofbeats, we think 
"horses", even though zebras or antelope may be the cause.  It's like 
going to the Doctor.  :-)

> Finding out if IPL CLEAR works and checking with Support for known
> problems are both (in my view) even simpler and easier and even negative
> answers will at least move Ed's understanding forward. Rob's TRSOURCE
> suggestion also looks like effort that one can expect to bear some fruit
> even if, again, it's of a negative nature.

By all means, anyone who feels at home with TRSOURCE and wants to hunt for 
the error should feel free.

> I'd be nervous about IPLing without understanding the problem - if for 
> other reason than potentially destroying the evidence without ever
> identifying the cause. (This is, of course, Ed's call - does he want to
> identify the problem or is he happy for it to just, "go away" - if the
> latter and it's not too disruptive to his community then maybe an IPL is
> justified ...)

I don't see any need to IPL.  Just attach the new paging volume and drain 
the old one.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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