
We have *very* large TPF dumps held (currently in packed form - but that could change) on disk.

What we are looking for is a suitable tool for browsing the larger ones. XEDIT does a fantastic job for the smaller dumps.

One problem we have is that the same users also use an old tool (for which we have no support) that only runs in machines of 16m or less - limiting the space available to XEDIT when scanning the dumps.

What we need is :-
- ability to respect 132 column screens as the dumps are formatted this way.
- Normal string searching (backwards & forwards)
- The ability to mark lines with a label & return to them later (a la xedit)
- The ability to detect and unpack packed dumps is a "nice to have"

We have a module called PBROWSE (which I think came from an old tools list) that satisfies all of these needs except that of assigning labels to lines.

Currently we use ISPF browse function (which requires ISPF PDF) but this is extremely expensive just for this function and it frequently abends on large files.

Has anyone any idea of a tool somewhere (preferably) or a reasonably priced product that could meed our needs?

Thanks in advance

Colin Allinson

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