I am informed that this particular case was NOT caused by CA-BAB. (We hav
had other cases.) We don't know what was the cause.

z/OS isn't relevent here, though we have had similar error messages 
involving sharing with z/OS at other times. 

We have 3 VM systems, and 10 guests, involved. We issued:

QUERY 366 (or QUERY TAPE FREE) on all systems that have access to 366. 
Every system responded with TAPE 0366 FREE 

ATTACH 366 * on some systems produced 
"Tape 0366 not attached; tape assigned elsewhere."

Eventually we found a guest that allowed us to attach the tape, so we 
assune that system had it assigned. We haven't the foggiest why -- that 

system wasn't running anything special.

I gather that CP (or VMTAPE) sends a CCW to the controller to get 
the "assigned elsewhere" information. Is there any CCW to find out where 

it IS assigned?

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