> Looking up that "54" doesn't advance the cause much:
> Message       Code      Description
> ECONNRESET    54        Connection reset by peer.
> Anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong and how
> to resolve it?

Some things that might be wrong: 

1) Some client has started holding the TCP data connection for the LPR
open for the full 2 minute time-wait following a close as spec'd in the
RFCs. The embedded LPD in the JetDirect card in the HP printers have a
limited number of simultaneous socket connections that they support, and
will start just resetting connections when that limit is reached.
Clients holding onto a connection will rapidly hit this limit.  (If
you've had a large-scale population change from Windows 2K to XP, this
is a new "feature" of the Unix Printing feature for XP).

Possible solution: switch as many of your clients as possible to
IPP-based printing and use a Linux CUPS instance as a LPD proxy in front
of the printer (eg, configure RSCS or other LPR clients to use the Linux
guest as the target print server, and have CUPS on Linux communicate
with the actual printer). The Linux LPD instance does not have the
connection # limitation, and IPP does not have the protocol connection
limitations of LPR/LPD. 

2) Something between you and the printer has changed (fw rules, etc).
Try telnetting to port 54 on the printer; if you get through, you should
be able to force the situation in #1 above by opening multiple sessions.
If you don't get through, you know that it's something between you and
the printer. 

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