Richard Corak wrote:
A poorly conceived design is, itself, a bug. If you don't accept that, =
consider Windoze. Also, I would consider an artificial constraint where =
none is needed to be a flaw; hence,a bug. I can remember when many BAD =
(broken as designed) things were dismissed as WAD (Working As Designed), =
which is another way of saying, "That's simply the design of CP." I =
thought we were beyond that.=20

I hardly think that in the 64-bit world some new CP "thingie"
was designed to be restricted to the 31-bit world.  CP was
designed when all that existed was 31-bit addressing.  Claiming
that design is now broken 'cause it hasn't been changed fast
enough to be 64-bit everywhere is just not reasonable. IMO.

Richard Corak
Amen, brother!!

Despite some appends that are contrary to what you said, I don't have a problem with there being some missing pieces.


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(607) 255-1760

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