The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 10/17/2006 11:41:24 AM:

> Hi Miguel.

> I have this from the powers that be:
> Certified systems, at a bare minimum, are required to fulfill the
> minimal functionality requirements described in Section 4.5 of RFC
> 2821, the address-handling requirements described in Section 5 of
> RFC 2821, and the problem detection and handling requirements
> described in Section 6 of RFC 2821.  

> The links for those are:
> That's the short version of the description - I have a long version
> in word doc format that I could send to you off list.

> Marcy Cortes


I've forwarded this information to our SMTP developer and asked him to take a look at whether or not our server fulfills these requirements.  If not, we'll have to get a requirement opened for you.  You can send the word doc off list if you like, I can forward that to him as well.

BTW: I find the IETF tools website ( makes RFC reading much more palatable :-)  

Coupled with Firefox & the Document Map extension (, it's very powerful.

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

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