> Well, we finally migrated to z/vm 4.4 two days ago from vm/esa 2.3.
> Most of our little fires are out.  But here's a new problem for
> us......we tailor our Sysprof Exec to run an "account exec" before a
> users's profile exec.  For some reason, Sysprof exec is not being run
> when we Ipl Cms or Ipl 190.  Did something change with Sysprof Exec
> since vm/esa 2.3?  Is it still automatically run as part of the CMS
> initialization procedure when a user logs on  or reIpls CMS?
> Thanks for any help.  We've even traced the original z/vm 4.4 Sysprof
> Exec and it's not being called?

Make sure you resave CMSINST. SYSPROF EXEC is still in the CMSINST
segment in 4.4, and CMS will use the version in the segment first. 

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