Kris Buelens wrote:

This will satifiy your needs
much easier than opening an APPC connection (as Alan says), or punching a file to yourself and check the sender (as I did before LCLQRY) LCLQRY can also tell who XAUTOLOGed a user. LCLQRY provides a class G solution to query your own, and a priviledged one to query the info for other users.

Thanks Kris and Alan...

I ended up using a pipe command to create a small spool file, extracting the spool id from a QUERY V <device> command and then using Diag F8 to get the originid of the spool file, and finally purging the now useless file. :-)

Works like a champ.... I imagine it's "expensive", but compared to the rest of the job running it's negligible.

It's too bad VM Batch doesn't pass the ALTID info to DGROOLY in the first place....

The LCLQRY would be nice... but we have a tendency to stay as "vanilla" as possible... only making such mods if there is no other way....


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