>> This is why the OSPF configuration in z/VM 5.2 no longer allows a mask 
>>  I'm not saying z/OS is necessarily correct, I'm just
>> pointing it out to avoid further confusion.  (Yeah, right.  Sure.)

> Bug, IMHO. Valid route, should be valid syntax. The fact you *can* shoot
> yourself in the head is not the tool's problem. Your gun, your foot. 

We're not talking about a route here.  We're talking about the subnet mask 
on the interface configuration.  Host routes are handled just fine.

I agree, allowing customers to shoot them selves in various parts of their 
anatomy is *not* the tool's problem.  However, it does become our problem 
when the shot is taken, they call us and their overall user experience is 
less than favorable.  I think having the tool unload the gun is 

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development 

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