On Wednesday, 01/31/2007 at 03:57 CST, "McKown, John" 
> Have you looked at SAE? It has a stand-alone ERASE capability. You can
> even IPL it off of the DVD in the HMC! Or DASD or Tape.

I find such products ... interesting.  If you look at the S/390 Command 
Reference for ESS (SHARK), you will find that the ERASE CCW or formatting 
record 0 of a track are documented to "erase" data.  But when you read 
what it says about erasure, things get fuzzy.  To wit:

"A record is said to be erased when it is rendered incapable of being read 
by the
commands and facilities normally used for reading recorded data from the 
The manner in which the erase operation is performed is overwriting the 
referenced with pad characters and then erasing the remainder of the 

Of course, it uses the word "erase" in the definition of the operation, so 
who knows what it will do.  Consider, too, that modern drives separate the 
appearance of ECKD from reality.  It can simply mark some metadata that 
says "erased" which the microcode will respect.  But take the RAID drives 
out and read them elsewhere, and who knows what you will find.  Then 
there's that nasty word "normally used" in there.  It makes me nervous.

And if you have a moving cursor algorithm, rewriting the "same" record may 
not, in fact, rewrite the same record.  It may get written and then index 
pointers are updated.

I find lots of information about "data security erase" for tapes, but not 
for disks.

Methinks I must contact a Reverened Engineer to find out what gives these 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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