On Friday, 02/02/2007 at 09:13 CST, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Is that worth my opening a PMR?  I would not ask for the red coloring in 
> messages.  (Gee, that makes me think of the old command CMS command "SET 

> REDTYPE ON"!)  ;-) 

:-)  The help for HCP093E is also a bit misleading in this cont....

(Pardon me.  No.)
(Move over.  No.)
(Thank you.)

How does one measure the worth of a PMR?  Good question.  Have you ever 
noticed that there's never a good philosopher around when you need one? 
Opinionated IT professionals (yes, that includes sysprogs, too!) are a 
dime a dozen, but a good philosopher is as rare as hen's teeth.  I imagine 
The Bard would have something to say about PMRs.  As would Scott Adams. 
Ah, but would they say the same thing?  I think not.... (poof!)

-- C

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