Well, here's my idea... (no proof though)

To me "higher priority" would mean it is the one that runs.... so even if there is a copy in storage, it won't be run, instead favoring the "higher priority" copy on DASD.

I don't know where/how the priority gets set though... :-( (Perhaps an undocumented feature of EXECLOAD?)

Don Russell

Phil Smith III wrote:
I'm wondering what "priority" means in HELP EXECSTAT:

With the RESident Option:

Code   Meaning

0      Exec exists in storage. Register 1 contains pointer to the fileblock.

4      Exec exists in storage and there is another one on dasd that has a
       higher priority. Register 1 contains a pointer to the fileblock.

I see no description of "priority" there, nor in HELP for EXECMAP or
EXECLOAD.  I hoped it meant "the copy on disk is newer" but no.


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