> I am not having a problem at all with how things are done. I was just
> curious about why the original developers made "DASD management" such
> burden on the sysprog. Especially in the early days. But performance
> could very well be the reason. 

1) Back then, there *wasn't* much DASD to manage. VM systems have
historically been smaller and lighter, and been relatively resource-poor
compared to their OS-based siblings. Consider the original purpose of VM
was to be a *migration aid* from OS/360 to later releases; it wasn't
intended to be a permanent thing (at least not until real customers got
their hands on it) so there wouldn't have been a lot of "VM" disk to

2) Same with memory. Building a in-core table for all the possible
minidisks would have been prohibitively expensive on a 2M machine (if I
remember correctly, CP-67 would run on even smaller systems than that).
The disk-based approach could handle small-memory machines and bigger
ones with roughly equal performance. 

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