Hello List, 

i was working on a a second level VM (z/VM 5.2, 5203RSU applied)
when i got these messages after IPL when trying to log on users:

HCPCLS174E Paging I/O error; IPL failed 
HCPCLS059E AUTOLOG failed for AUTOLOG1 - IPL failed 

I was running with 384 Meg, so i made it 512meg and after ipl everything
worked fine again.

After some ipl's (dont know exactly, 3-5) i got the same problem again.
This time i drained the page devices, and after i drained them all
i was able to log on users.

Do i have a "bad dasd pack" as described in the HCPCLS174E documentation?
Or is this somehow caused by a main / auxilliary page storage 

Is someone able to put some light on this? 

Thanks + Regards, Stefan

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