VIrtualization is (finally) a hot topic among the young 'uns in the industry. Unfortunately, most have never heard of the IBM's VM. I have run into a few younger (30-something) folks who have discovered the roots of virtualization and have tried to play around with it with Hercules. Unfortunately they are limited to primitive versions of VM/370. I don't think they are even allowed to run SEPP or BSEP, so editing is in line-mode only. These folks likely will never attend SHARE since they are doing this for fun, and not for any traditional organization.

If there were someway they could license a more recent VM for a non-production test/development Hercules environment, they MIGHT discover the joys of CMS as we know it. Ultimately they COULD grow up thinking that todays' 30-40-something IBM-hating mgt-types are WRONG. Might even lead to addtl Z-processor sales down the road. But I don't want to open THAT can-of-worms in this discussion!

Jim Bohnsack wrote:
I think that you are talking about something that is either going to hit us real hard or IBM is going to come out with something that will eliminate the need to the CMS based tools "old folks" such as me and, having met a lot of you at SHARE conferences, most of the rest of you. You look around at SHARE and you almost never see someone who is closer to college age than retirement age. Those rare ones are not sitting in on the kind of VM sessions most of us do. There is, for all practical purposes, no IBM education that would take a new, inexperienced person from an Intro to VM course level to an advanced level.

Maybe this means that IBM is going to eliminate the need for us CP/CMS knowledgeable sysprogs. Notice the greatly expanded number of lpars that are permitted on the newer processors. An lpar is really a virtual machine running under a CP based hypervisor. How much CP/CMS is needed to carve out an lpar? Something like that may be where we are going--or at least the rest of you. I'll be at full SS retirement age in a year and a half.


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