Just kind of wonder....

Is IBM making TPF users depend on a non-IBM product (zLinux), to maintain TPF?

About 3 or 4 years ago, we had a rather lengthy topic on using a canned 
Linux/390, similar to GCS or even CMS in order to host Linux type servers.  
Mostly small stuff (as common at that time), like firewalls, routers, even the 
IP stack.

Something that your only controls were:

.  How much disk space for that image
.  How much virtual memory
.  The machine's priority.

The results were, since it is not IBM's code, they can't control it.  They 
can't package it.  And by picking a Linux flavor, it may look like they are 
throwing their weight behind that flavor.

So, forward space 3-4 years....

Did they do it for TPF?  
Which flavor of zLinux?
Is it a canned, drop down, keep you hands off, or a regular install?

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting
(just wondering)

>>> David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 5/2/2007 4:35 PM >>>
> Surely you jest!!!

Well, no, actually. 

> Using Linux to build a TPF system was something IBM 'forced' onto the

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