Now I must put all this theory to work. (my heart's thumping)
I've been ordered to add more spool to a critical second level guest because
of a rscs problem I reported in a new message today.

Before I do it I want to double check to make sure I've got everything
right. (It's been years since I did vm - early esa).

Here's what I think i must do.....PLEASE correct me

att free cuu to 2nd level vm

on 2nd level maint att cuu *
label (i.e. spoolz)
0-end spol

Update sysconfig--->

cprel a
link * cf1 cf1 mw
acc cf1 z
x system config z
  slot 1 vol1
  slot 2 vol2
  slot 3 reserved --> which I will change to spoolz
rel z(det
link * cf1 cf1 rr
cpacc * cf1 a sr

def cpown slot 3 spoolz

att cuu system spoolz

on the first level system I must..
update direct entry for 2nd level guest adding dedicate cuu
I don't believe I need to update 1st level system config for dedicated disks
- right?

Did I miss anything - any gotchas?

Thanks for any and all help

On 4/30/07, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Murphy's law dictates a small change in the order of things.

With the order you propose there is a time window where the SYSTEM CONFIG
does not know the new spool volume, but CP uses it for new spool files.  If
CP goes down in that window, all spool files with some parts of the new
volume will be lost after the restart.

The good order to be 100% safe is:
1. Format & allocate (like you say)

To find which spool files have parts on a given volume, get this tool

2007/4/30, James M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> z/VM 5.2
> I'm backing up the vm sys prog and sure enough - bing - a problem
> immediately.
> Problem solved but I have a couple of questions.
> adding a new spool full volume steps - is this correct..
> att cuu * as vdev
> cpfmta vdev
> label vmspxx
> done...
> format
> done..
> allocate
> spol 0-end
> done...
> end
> Once cpfmtxa ends - att  cuu system vmspxx  & update cpowned list in
> config file.
> ...and I'm off and running.
> Followup question - is there a convenient way to migrate spool files
> from that volume without cold starting?
> Another spool followup question.
> If I query alloc and do the math on the spool numbers I get 80%
> If I q alloc spool I get 53%
> How come?
> Any rexx exec's out there that can monitor spool and send me an email if
> > x%?
> Thanks
> James

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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