The default value for keepaliv is YES.  If it doesn't appear to
be behaving this way, trace the link when you start it with different
options and see what socket options are specified.

Best Regards,
Les Geer
IBM z/VM and Linux Development

>The results of some experiments using a lab z/OS machine are
>1. Parms ITO=100 KEEPALIV=NO; Results - the link stays up well
>the 23 minute intervals we see on the real system.
>2. Parms ITO=5 KEEPALIV=YES or NO; Results - The link is killed
>after 5
>minutes with an informative message.
>3. Parms ITO=30 KEEPALIV=YES; Results - Dies an unnatural death
>after 23
>minutes. We either get a connection timeout message or a socket error
>4. On the live system, both ITO and KEEPALIV were allowed to default.
>According to the documentation, that should be the equivalent of number
>1, above. As reported in this thread, it dies after 23 minutes of
>inactivity, just like number 3.
>I guess I need to specify the defaults as a possible circumvention. I
>have restarted the link with ITO=100 KEEPALIV=NO specified as
>parms. I will not be able to judge the efficacy of the remedy until I
>see the overnight console logs.
>The next question is, do I need to report a bug, a documentation error,
>or both?

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